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What is Upstride?

UpStride the best book summary app that comes with in built habit tracker. 

How does Upstride work?

Once you read a book and enroll for the habit, it will remind you everyday to do the actionable task to attain your goal. It is as simple as that, so you are never lost. 

Do you offer free trial?

Yes. Just subscribe to any package as you wish. To avoid charge, you must cancel the plan before the 7th day of registration. 

What happens after the subscription expires?

Once your subscription expires, you will be asked to renew your subscription. Without renwal you won’t be able to enjoy UpStride.

How the charges for the subscription are taken?

Currently we are offering 2 packages. You can either subscribe to monthly package of to the yearly package. Tip: You can save almost 50% with yearly subscription. 

For how long do I get support & updates?

As long as you have any plan activated, you will get free updates and support. 

Enlight Yourself with Diverse Knowledge and Start Your Growth Journey Today in the UpStride Way.

Give it a shot, and watch your transformation unfold. You are just one tap away from your growth impact! 

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